01. What are some of the most common reasons for seeking out a nutritionist?

+ Addressing digestive complaints - bloating, gas, IBS, IBD etc.
+ Optimizing nutrition for an existing health condition/concerns
+ Fostering better lifestyle and dietary habits
+ Addressing hormonal concerns, optimizing nutrition for pregnancy
+ You follow a particular diet plan (vegan, vegetarian, etc.) and want to ensure you are properly nourishing your body 

02. What can i expect?

The initial session will be 60 minutes - this is where we will lay the foundation for our work together. I will get to know you through your past medical history, current dietary intake, and lifestyle. From there, follow-up cadence will be determined (typically every 2-3 weeks), including email support for questions that may arise in between sessions. 

**Please note: all services are conducted via my HIPPA-compliant telehealth platform

03. How many sessions do you recommend?

Meaningful change takes time. Since every program will be individualized based on your specific needs, there is no set time-frame. We will set up a roadmap during our initial session.

04. Will you help me lose weight?

I do not work with individuals who have the sole intention of losing weight. I run a weight-inclusive practice and do not believe that the number on the scale should be an indicator of success or failure. While weight loss may be a side effect of working together, I cannot guarantee this outcome. My goal is to help you create sustainable changes and behaviors around food and movement practices. 

05. Do you take insurance?

At this time I do not take insurance.


Still have questions? Use this form to get in touch. You can also email me directly. I would love to hear from you!

New York, NY